My most popular option and my original service that my clients love so much. This service is based around learning what to eat and how much through the use of meal plans and your calories and macros.
What it includes:
- Initial assessment via detailed questionnaire
- Personalised meal plans 100% tailored to your goals, likes and lifestyle with complete nutritional breakdown with two full options to follow each week. After each check-in, you receive a new meal plan
- Daily macronutrient targets to allow for self tracking or flexibility
- Weekly or fortnightly checkins to assess progress and ensure the meal plan, calories and macronutrients are working for you as well as ensuring you are working towards your goals, overcome any obstacles or set backs and accountability. Check-ins are via email but if you would prefer a phone call, please discuss this with me
- Educational resources
- Exclusive access to my client only facebook group
- Email support
My one on one coaching helps to educate and support you at every step of your journey. It aims to improve your relationship with food and take the stress out of meal planning. These programs will ensure you are kept accountable and organised. Many people also love them for the fact of easy and budget friendly grocery shopping and easy meal planning.
**PLEASE NOTE: Payment plans are available. Please email me to arrange this